Kustom Art

Pinstripes, Sign Painting, and Airbrushing. Around longer than the concept of the T bucket but all three often adorned on one. Flames Artworks is well versed in that low brow style that goes well with the roar of a V8 engine and good times.

Below are the best (so far) examples of each medium for inspiration on your own vehicle!


Molly’s favorite and the Kustom art she’s been doing since 2001. Smaller items such as motorcycle helmets and tanks can be shipped from anywhere and completed in the Flames Studio.



The ultimate hot rod decoration goes on any car… and any thing! Flames offers several items adorned with them in the store (SHOPPING in the above menu) but we’ll be happy to take commissions on any item that can be shipped!


Often goes hand in hand with pin striping. Also known as sign painting is especially cool on truck doors and panel wagons in Kustom Kulture