Just for you is an easy and convenient page to access our most popular products. There is a vast variety on the product’s respective platforms beyond what’s shown here. Follow those stores and Flames social media for updates on new and unique items to buy for a gift, a friend, and most importantly, yourself!
Custom art purchased right now? you bet! Below are our most popular and basic forms of commissions. Need something bigger or more elaborate? We’re happy to help! Contact at
Cars or pets, both illustrated in that Flames style with an abstract background and bold foreground image. Click HERE to get yours!
Pro Render
A slick detailed illustration of YOUR car like the pro builders have done. Purchase HERE
Get the most unique and creative items here! Containers hand pinstriped by the artist, Fabrics with REAL cars, some awesome swag, and of course everyone loves stickers! Stand out and strike up a conversation at the next show or cruise with Flames merch!
Pinstriped Boxes
Ordinary objects made extraordinary with the ultimate hot rod decoration! Available for purchase HERE
Featuring REAL cars! Printed on a variety of fabrics for a fine Hawaiian shirt or a durable show n shine bag. Yardage available HERE
T Shirts
Auto-centric designs as well as your favorite Riviera and El Camino from Flames YouTube channel “Cars and art, Art and Cars” Get yours HERE
These weatherproof stickers can go anywhere you want to tell everyone about your favorite creative one stop shop! Available HERE